Slightly Sophisticated Italian Soda

There’s nothing like sipping a refreshing soda while watching a movie and this adult version is just the ticket (too much? Just enough?)! Reminiscent of the Italian sodas of your youth, but not as syrupy and kicked up a notch with vanilla bean infused vodka. Honestly, the Torani syrup in this drink is manufactured to taste delicious, you really don’t have to do much with it. It’s a deliciously fun, easy cocktail with a couple of sprigs of rosemary and lots of club soda to balance the sweetness.


  • 3 tablespoons Torani raspberry syrup (obviously NOT sugar-free)

  • 1 ½ cups club soda (or sparkling water)

  • A splash of vanilla bean infused vodka ***

  • a few sprigs of rosemary

  • ice

*** Flavor your vodka at least a day before.  Split a vanilla bean down the center and scrape the seeds into the vodka and let steep.  Make sure to seal the bottle up tight


  1. Toss a sprig of rosemary into a tall glass and fill with ice

  2. Pour the syrup in followed by the club soda and vodka (if using)

  3. Nestle in another sprig of rosemary and a straw if you feel like it

  4. Enjoy cold


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